A poem about Insecurity.
As hopefully conveyed by the title, this poem concerns itself with the nature of identity. It uses mirrors as a metaphor for people’s perception of a person. The word ‘Immaterial’ is used to express how an opinion on someone is often baseless. ‘My own shattered’ means that the person who is a people pleaser has an impaired judgement on self-worth and reflection as they see everything through the ‘partial glimpse’ of others. A characteristic of such a person is also an innate doubt of those who flatter them as that challenges their low self-esteem. Due to that, they find themselves ‘tethered’ to those who validate their feelings of worthlessness. ‘Does the darkness match my soul’s complexion?’ The last lines are meant to be something that the person thinks to themselves after being ‘tethered’ to such a ‘mirror.’ They may feel the need to withdraw themselves ‘into the darkness’ entirely as they might have been led to believe that they are evil beings. This metaphor of reflections and light can be pushed further into the nature of the light itself; different shades, origins and colours of light can represent the influence of emotions themselves.